The Honeydew
should I?
Sunday, June 17, 2018 • 9:53 AM • 0 speak
Hai peep! Assalamualaikum, here with me again after a long timeee!
My last post is on August 2017 and today is already 4th day of Aidilfitri 2018 huhu. So long cause i am really really 'busy'. Busy la sangatttt hahah.

Dunno why tiba2 angin rajin nak menaip. Well, guess I still not too late to wishing everyone SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. Sincerely, prof. :P
Nak dihitungkan dosa, too much too many until it cannot be count anymore :( Astaghfirullah.

Raya this year, pada awalnya i said to mum, i want green turquoise as our family's theme. And.... when i back to home.... hahahahah, my brother and mum already bought blue turqouise, so.... haha just follow the flow la. 'till now my bro will argue with me that he buy the right colour, and I so malas,,,, lantak la okay je pun. Because last year pun begini juga situation, i said i want cream colour, and later my bro beli warna ala gold hahahaha so whatever la, yang penting ada, bersyukur je la dgn apa ada.  Alhamdulillah.

Back to my main title, should I? you should what?
should I move on? hahaha.

Dari bila entah aku memang dah lama gila nak move on but, i cant. wondering why. siap mimpi2 bagai, orang yang sama je ni. Sampai ada naqibah usrah sekali dalam mimpi tu, and when i told my naqibah about that dream she said who is he, let me pinangkan untuk awak! mampu gelak je la hahaha.

Aku risau petanda aku yang lebih2 sangat apadehal. the same people, and pleaseeee.. tolong la ada gf cepat ke tunang ke apa atau pun kawin cepat ke, so that i can move on already. I pun nak ada life juga sobsob. hahaha, pdahal bukan salah crush pun, diri sendiri ni haa, eh tak tak, hati ni.. astagaaaa. actually, i know that i dont want to hurt my own feeling that why... berusaha juga nak cuba buang but susah la, so what i can do now, asking Him myself, if He is not meant to me, take away this feeling so I can be happy. Munculkan dia on the right time, on the right place, the best one for me. and of course I know, I am literally no good and absolutely nothing special pun. and, I pernah baca yang it is good to be ugly. Because if there is someone that truly love you, surely they love you for who you are, not because of your beauty or appearence right? TRUE.

After hearing a story from one of my fav lecturer, how he married his wife. just by doing istikharah, if Allah not will it, they reda and find another one and do istikharah again until they meet the right one which Allah gave them guidance. Your story really inspiring la sir! Buktinya antara cerita yang sir cerita dalam kelas, ini la yang paling saya ingat hahaha XD

May Allah give us partner that truly love us from bottom of heart :) amin!

Merepek one, prof.

Thanks for reading, Honeydew

The Green Lover
Hello Honeydew♥
Prof Syamam here!


Tick Tock

Honey Melons

Listen to me ?